zurück 11.1.1907, Freitag ID: 190701115

The Manchester Guardian Nr. 18853 berichtet auf S. 6 vom Konzert am 10.1.1907, bei dem ursprünglich die 3. Symphonie aufgeführt werden sollte (signiert "S. L."):
Symphonie No. 4 . . . . . . . . . .  Beethoven
[... Mendelssohn, Wagner, Saint-Saens, Cherubini ...]
     At last night's concert the music of the printed programme was preceded by the Moorish Trauer Music composed by Mozart on the death of a friend who was a Freemason. This was of course intended as a mark of respect for the late Mr. James Forsyth, whose connection with the Hallé Concerts has been so long, arduous, and honourable.
     In the programme proper there was a surprise awaiting the audience–a surprise that would be a disappointment to very many, and yet a relief, perhaps, to more. It was the substitution of Beethoven's Fourth Symphony for the promised symphony by Bruckner. It was a pity, which it is to be hoped was unavoidable, that people should have to come to the concert under so serious a misapprehension. Dr. Richter has recently, in "Die Musik," protested himself, to some extent at least, a champion of Bruckner, and it is to be hoped it may also be taken for granted that the admirers of Bruckner who came to the concert last night, only to be disappointed, will have some consideration shown to them before the close of the season. The great crowd at the concert probably came mainly to hear Lady Hallé, who played once more, in her way that is in so many respects incomparable, Mendelssohn's Concerto. [... über die anderen Programmnummern ...].        S. L."


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 190701115, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-190701115
letzte Änderung: Apr 21, 2023, 12:12