The Washington Post gibt auf S. 10 einen Überblick über Symphonien der letzten zwei Jahrzehnte:
"ALTHOUGH Felix Weingartner, in his "Symphony Writers Since Beethoven," recently published, speaks rather harshly of the modern symphony, [... Höchstform in Beethovens Neunter erreicht ...]. Looking over the field from an American standpoint [... amerikanische Gattungsbeiträge ... England, Frankreich ...].
Two symphonies from Max Bruch [...] were a welcome addition on this side, as were also three published movements of a ninth symphony, by Anton Bruckner, which were composed in 1891-93, though first performed in Vienna in 1903. Bruckner, whose fame rests chiefly on his eight complete symphonies, died in Vienna in 1896. [... weitere Symphonien anderer europäischer Länder, Gustav Mahler etc. ...]. The Russian school, though of such recent birth, has shown itself a prodigy, and is an entire essay in itself." (*).
The Sun Nr. 78 (New York) schreibt auf S. 16 (= S. 2 des 2. Teils):
[... geplante Produktionen ...].
Perhaps after the works themselves there is nothing so important as the personalities of the conductors who are to produce them. The most noted newcomer among these prima donnas of the baton is Gustav Mahler.
[... zuletzt in Wien ... zur Biographie ... Universitätsstudium ... Porträtphotographie ...].
Then abandoning law he went to the Vienna Conservatory to study piano with Epstein and composition with Bruckner. He has conducted at Cassel, Prague, Leipsic, Pesth and Hamburg and is one of the most noted German composers of the day. [... italienische Oper ... über die Sänger*innen ...]." (**).
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 190711175, URL: Änderung: Aug 26, 2024, 16:16