zurück 22.12.1907, Sonntag ID: 190712225

Aufführung der 9. Symphonie durch das Wiener Tonkünstler-Orchester unter Bernhard Stavenhagen im Großen Musikvereinssaal in Wien (*).

Die Meldung in The Sun vom 19.12.1907, dass nach dem Konzert des Boston Symphony Orchestra [9. Symphonie am 7.11.1907] ein an Anton Bruckner gerichtetes lobendes Schreiben an der Carnegie Hall abgegeben wurde, wird von Jennie Irene Mix in The Pittsburgh Post auf S. 13 kommentiert:
"     Anton Bruckner was born in 1824 and died in 1896. During the last month the Boston Symphony orchestra performed one of his symphonies at a pair of concerts in New York city. The audience was plainly bored and the papers the following day voiced little praise and much criticism regarding the symphony. But there was one man who indorsed the music, so a clipping bureau cut the article out and posted it in an envelope addressed to "Anton Bruckner, Carnegie Hall, Manhattan." When this envelope was opened there was found with the clipping a letter telling the composer that if he would subscribe to the bureau it would keep him supplied with similar slippings in the future.      As Bruckner had a hard time getting even a mite of praise during his lifetime, there is more of pathos than of humor in this letter snt 11 years after his death.
                                       JENNIE IRENE MIX."
[vermutlich für die ganze Kolumne verantwortlich] (**).


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 190712225, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-190712225
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11