zurück 29.12.1907, Sonntag ID: 190712295

Die Meldung in The Sun vom 19.12.1907, dass nach dem Konzert des Boston Symphony Orchestra [9. Symphonie am 7.11.1907] ein an Anton Bruckner gerichtetes lobendes Schreiben an der Carnegie Hall abgegeben wurde, erscheint auch in The Spokesman-Review Nr. 197 (Spokane, Washington) auf S. 25:
    A letter addressed to Anton Bruckner, the Austrian composer, who died some years ago, is unclaimed at Carnegie hall, says the New York Sun. The performance of one of Bruckner's symphonies by the Boston Symphony orchestra was not received with any noticeable signs of delight by the public, while the critics had little to say in its favor. One small voice of praise was heard, however. So a clipping bureau cut out this commendatory criticism and inclosed it in an envelope addressed to Anton Bruckner, Carnegie hall, with a promise to keep him supplied with all similar clippings if he subscribed to the bureau." (*).

Dieses Konzert ist auch im Jahresrückblick in The Sun Nr. 120 auf S. 32 (= S. 8 des 3. Teils) verzeichnet:
     Musically 1907 will go out in a blaze of dulness. [... Liste für New York (Karl Muck in Boston macht vieles anders!) ...]
     [... zu Beginn Geraldine Farrar und Nellie Melba ...]. After that the list of really essential things runs thus:
     November 7–Dr. Muck produces Bruckner's ninth symphony.
[... Kommentar zum Jahr 1907 ... ausführlich zu Mr. Hammerstein ...].
                                   W. J. HENDERSON." (**).

The New York Times Nr. 18236 bringt auf S. 48 (= S. 2 des 6. Teils) einen Artikel über Gustav Mahler, in dem Bruckner kurz erwähnt wird:
"Interesting Career of Gustav Mahler, Vienna's Famous Composer, Who Takes His Place as Conductor of Opera in New York.
THE coming of Gustav Mahler, who arrived in New York last week to take his place as conductor at the Metropolitan Opera House, will be an important event in this musical season [... Mahlers Schaffen, zwei Aufführungen in Amerika ...].
     Mahler is now 47 years old, and is a Bohemian by birth. He was sent to the gymnasium at Prague and to the University of Vienna, and, entering the university in 1877, he entered at the same time the Conservatory, where Anton Bruckner was his teacher. He could stay only two years. [... weitere Stationen ... Ausblick auf die Tätigkeit in New York ...].
                                                    RICHARD ALDRICH." (***).


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 190712295, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-190712295
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11