The Inter Ocean Nr. 357 (Chicago, Illinois) kündigt auf S. 37 (= S. 9 des Magazinteils) die Aufführung des "Christus factus est" [vermutlich WAB 11] am 24.3.1908 an:
" The Musical Art Society.
The Musical Art society of Chicago will give its last concert of the season in Orchestra hall March 24, under the direction of Mr. Clarence Dickinson. Among the numbers of especial interest [... Werk des Amerikaners Charles Martin Loeffler ...].
Of the elder choral numbers on this programm [... Josquin de Pres ...] exquisite in harmonic effects. Among the more modern composers represented is Anton Bruckner, whose gigantic symphony is familiar to the regular patrons of the Thomas orchestra. His graduale, "Christus Factus Est," is one of the first numbers of the evening. Among the lighter numbers is a Hungarian folk song [... und zuletzt Brahms' "Tafellied" ...] possesses rare dash and spirit."
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 190803155, URL: Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11