zurück 22.3.1908, Sonntag ID: 190803225

The Chicago Tribune Nr. 12 kündigt auf S. 25 (= S. 9 des Teils) die Aufführung des "Christus factus est" [vermutlich WAB 11] am 24.3.1908 an:
"     The Musical Art society under the direction of Clarence Dickinson willl give its second and last concert this season in Orchestra hall next Tuesday evening. The program is of the exceptionally interesting and unusual character, which has distinguished all that Mr. Dickinson's excellent organization has offered. It includes the Bach motet for double chorus, "Be not Afraid"; Bruckner's "Graduale Christus factus est," [... weitere Werke ...] and the Brahms double chorus, "Tafellied." " (*).
The Inter Ocean Nr. 364 (Chicago, Illinois) gibt auf S. 39 (= S. 9 des Magazinteils) Uhrzeit und Programm bekannt:
"            MUSIC FOR THE WEEK.
TUESDAY–Orchestra hall. The Musical Arts society, Clarence Dickinson, director, 8:15 p. m.
und in der 6. Spalte:
"             The Musical Art Society.
     Tuesday evening, in Orchestra hall, the Musical Art society, Clarence Dickinson, director, will present the following program:
"Be Not Afraid" . . . . . .  Bach
           Motet for Double Chorus.
"Graduale Christus factus est" . . . . .  Bruckner
[... weitere Werke, darunter von Josquin de Pres, Greil, Loeffler, Koessler, Cornelius und Brahms ...]." (**).


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 190803225, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-190803225
letzte Änderung: Okt 31, 2024, 23:23