zurück 16.5.1909, Sonntag ID: 190905165

The Buffalo Sunday Morning News Nr. 25 bringen auf S. 8 einen Rückblich auf die vergangene Saison, in dem auch die Aufführung der 8. Symphonie  am 13.3.1909 erwähnt wird:
     The 24th concert of the great Boston organization with which its 28th season just closed invites consideration of the work accomplished by this wonderful prchestra during the past year. [...].
     The selection of Max Fiedler, the Hamburg conductor, to succeed Dr. Muck, seems to have met with the utmost satisfaction. [... erfolgreicehr Einstand ... erstaunliche Liste an Symphonien ...]. A summary of some of the greatest numbers is as follows:
     Beethoven, 9; Brahms, 3; Bruckner, 2; [... sieben Namen, alphabetisch bis Hugo Wolf ...].
     Following are the works performed for the first time in America, and it will be seen it is a notable list:
     Bruckner: Symphony in C minor, No. 8, March 13, 1909.
[... 10 Werke, alphabetisch, bis Strube ...].
Works Performed for the First Time in Boston.
     Bruckner: Symphony in C minor, No. 8, March 13, 1909
     Elgar [... Paderewski, Strube ... weitere Gattungen ...]."


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 190905165, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-190905165
letzte Änderung: Feb 16, 2023, 23:23