zurück 31.10.1909, Sonntag ID: 190910315

Brief Karl Seiberls an Leopold Zenetti jun.:
     Reminiszenzen an Zenetti und Bruckner (*).
The Inter Ocean Nr. 221 (Chicago, Illinois) kündigt auf S. 39 (= S. 9 des Magazins) die Aufführung des "Christus factus est" [WAB 11] am 14.12.1909 an:
"                    Musical Art Society.
     Mr. Stock is now preparing the following program for the Musical Art society, which will be performed on the evening of Tuesday, Dec. 14, in Orchestra hall:
[... Palestrina, böhmisch, Praetorius ...]
"Graduale Christus Factus Est" . . . .  Bruckner
[... Tschaikowsky, Bach und 10 weitere Werke von 7 Komponisten ...]
     It is noted with interest that the greater part of the foregoing program is to be sung in English. This is surely a move in the right direction. Furthermore, the judicious mingling of modern works with those of the contrapuntal school will be welcomed by the audience. And, finally, the recognition given American writers is most happy." (**).


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 190910315, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-190910315
letzte Änderung: Jun 27, 2024, 9:09