Die Berliner Erstaufführung der 7. Symphonie [am 31.1.1887] wird in The Nebraska State Journal (Lincoln, Nebraska) auf S. 23 (= S. 7 des 3. Teils) indirekt erwähnt:
One of the most intimate friends and vigorous champions of Liszt and Wagner, Karl Klindworth, celebrated his eightieth birthday on September 24. After studying with Liszt [... London, Moskau ...]. Then he went to Berlin where he opened a piano school. He was there the center of the progressive party, while the conservative flocked around Joachim. As an orchestral conductor he was the first to produce the Bruckner symphonies in Berlin. He also composed some pieces, but the works by which he will be best remembered are the vocal scores of Wagner's four Niebelung [sic] opera. His editions of Chopin, Bach and Beethoven are also valuable." (*).
The Buffalo Sunday Morning News Nr. 45 kündigen auf S. 8 eine Aufführung der 2. Symphonie unter Georg Göhler in Leipzig an:
" Leipsic Musical Society.
The Musical Society of Leipsic will give six subscription concerts this season, led by Dr. Georg Goehler. Several compositions will be performed for the first time, and among the more modern symphonies to be played are the second of Bruckner and the fourth of Mahler." (**).
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 191010235, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-191010235letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11