The Moline Dispatch (The Dispatch, Moline, Illinois) erwähnt auf S. 16 eine Aufführung der 7. Symphonie unter Rudolph Siegel:
A big success was scored by Rudolph Ganz early in October, when he gave a concert in Beethoven hall [wo? Berlin? siehe die Anmerkung] with the assistance of the Philharmonic orchestra and Dr. Rudolph Siegel, conductor, of Munich. In that part of the Bruckner E major symphony which I heard Siegel revealed himself a conductor of more than ordinary ability and of very fine musicianly qualities. He should eliminate exagberated [sic], unnecessary movements of body and arms. He met with a friendly reception. Ganz played the new D major [recte B flat major] concerto by Hans Huber, which is dedicated to him and with which he made such a rousing success at the Zurich Musical Festival last spring. [... über das Werk und den Solisten ...]."
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 191011095, URL: Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11