zurück 18.10.1911, Mittwoch ID: 191110185

The Sun Nr. 48 (New York) meldet auf S. 7 die Ankunft Stranskys:
"             JOSEF STRANSKY HERE.
Son of the Bohemian Violinist Will Conduct Philharmonic Concerts.
     Josef Stransky [...] arrived yesterday on the Friedrich der Grosse. He is a native of Prague, where he was born in 1872, so he is one of the younger men to conduct the society's concerts.
     The arrival of Mr. Stransky marks a departure from the previous traditions of the Philharmonic. There will be no more expensive conductors of European fame, who come here merely to earn money [siehe die Anmerkung]. The present conductor is expected to devote his time to developing the society in the term of his stay. [...].
      Mr. Stransky is a son of the Bohemian violinist of that name. He was thrown into a musical circle in his youth and was known to Dvorák and Smetana. He studied the piano under Judassohn [sic] at Leipsic and under Fuchs and Brückner at the Conservatory of Leipsic [sic]. His first engagement [... Prag ... Hamburg ... Berlin ...]. He was a great friend of Gustav Mahler, who preceded him in the direction of the Philharmonic, and one of his programmes will be in memory of the composer and conductor. Mr. Stransky is a widower."


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 191110185, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-191110185
letzte Änderung: Feb 21, 2023, 18:18