Postkarte von August Göllerich an Franz Xaver Müller:
Dankt für das Material [vermutlich: zu Bruckners Biographie, oder: zu Müllers Symphonie, am 12.11.1911 geplant, endgültig am 26.11.1911]. Muss kurzfristig zu einer Liszt-Feier nach Budapest. Bruckner-Requiem [WAB 39] am 12.11.1911 (*).
Über Stransky schreibt, fast identisch mit dem Text vom 18.10.1911, The New York Times Nr. 19626 auf S. 13:
Philharmonic New Conductor is Expected to Devekop the Society.
Josef Stransky [...] arrived in New York yesterday on the Friedrich der Grosse, and went to the Savoy. He will begin orchestral rehearsals almost immediately. Stransky was born in Prague in 1872, and he is one of the youngest of the men who have conducted the Philharmonic. His arrival marks a departure from the Philharmonic's custom in the past of paying vast sums to conductors to come to this country. The new conductor is expected to develop the society.
Mr. Stransky is a son of the Bohemian violinist of that name. He was thrown into a musical circle in his youth, and was known to Dvorák and Smetana. He studied the piano under Judassohn [sic] at Leipsic and under Fuchs and Bruckner. [... Prag, Hamburg, Berlin ...]. He was a friend of Gustav Mahler, and will devote a programme to his works. He is a widower." (**).
Eine Meldung in The Evening Sun Nr. 2 (Baltimore, Maryland) auf S. 7 gibt das Repertoire des New York Philharmonic Orchestra bekannt, lässt aber offen, ob auch Bruckner in Baltimore gespielt werden wird:
" Musical Notes
Josef Stransky, the new conductor of the New York Philharmonic Society, has chosen many novelties, representing 16 composers, for the season's programs. Therefore, the proposed concerts, Three in number, which are to be given in Baltimore this season by this organization, promise to be of musical interest.
Richard Strauss, Cæsar Frank [sic], Jan Sibelius, Felix Weingartner, Anton Bruckner, Gustave Mahler and Goldmark are each represented in the repertoire with a symphony, and among the novelties in freer form there are [...acht Namen ...].
With this material to draw upon there is every reason to believe that the three Baltimore programs will be very attryctive." (***).
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 191110195, URL: Änderung: Feb 21, 2023, 18:18