The Brooklyn Times (Times Union, Brooklyn, New York) gibt auf S. 8 in der Konzertankündigung für morgen auch das Programm für Donnerstag/Freitag [14./12.12.1911] mit der 5. Symphonie bekannt:
The New York Philharmonic Society, under Josef Stransky, will give a popular concert at Carnegie Hall, to-morrow afternoon [... Solist Paolo Gallico und Programm ...]. Mme. Lillian Nordica will be the bright particular star of the regular Philharmonic Concerts of Thursday evening and Friday afternoon next. She will sing [...]. Another notable feature of Mr. Stransky's programme will be the first performance in New York of Bruckner's Symphony, No. 5, said to be a favorite work in this conductor's repertoire. He was for some time a pupil of Bruckner at Vienna, and his interpretation of this symphony has won him especial commendation in foreign capitals. This programme includes also Beethoven's Overture, "Leonore" No 3." (*).
Ähnlich schreibt The Evening World (New York) auf S. 9:
" Josef Stransky announces [... morgen Eroica, Wanderer-Phantasie (mit Paolo Gallico) ...]. At the regular subscription concerts on Thursday evening and Friday afternoon Lillian Nordica will sing the immolation scene from "Goetterdaemmerung," and Bruckner's fifth symphony will be played for the first time in New York." (**).
Nach dem Eindruck vom Debut-Konzert hält es der Kritiker des San Francisco Chronicle Nr. 147 auf S. 18 für möglich, auch Bruckner aufzuführen:
THE San Francisco Symphony Orchestra was baptized yesterday in the waters of unequivocal success. Its initial recital not only crowded the Cort Theater [... Bravos, Klatschen ... "city redivivus" [nach Erdbeben 1906?] ... Dank an Sponsoren ... Henry Hadley als Dirigent ...].
Conductor Hadley responded immediately to the magnetic currents which the appreciation of his patrons set up [... 65 Spieler ... über Hadleys Dirigierstil ...]. Later in the season we will doubtless have an opportunity of judging of his interpretative powers in programmes making greater demands upon the conductor's insight. But if he does anything like as well in Beethoven, Brahms, Schubert, and, say Mahler and Bruckner, as he did yesterday, he is certainly the man we want here.
[... über den Mut und die Konditionen, ein Orchester in San Francisco zu organisieren ... Besprechung des Konzerts ... nächstes Programm ... Namen der Orchestermitglieder (10, 10, 6, 6, 4; 3, 2, 2, 3; 5, 2, 3, 1; 3) ...]. The only woman in the orchestra is Mrs. Von Gizyeki, who plays the harp." (***).
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 191112095, URL: Änderung: Mär 29, 2023, 10:10