zurück 13.12.1911, Mittwoch ID: 191112135

Ankündigung der 5. Symphonie für den 14./15.12.1911 in The Standard Union Nr. 164 (Brooklyn, New York) auf S. 10:
"           MUSICAL NOTES.
     Mme. Nordica will be soloist at the concerts of the Philharmonic Society to-morrow night and Friday afternoon at Carnegie Hall, Manhattan, singing the immolation scene from "Gotterdammerung" and a group of songs with piano. The orchestra, under Josef Stransky, will play the Bruckner fifth symphony and the Beethoven "Overture Leonore No. 3."  " (*).

Nahezu gleichlautend, aber mit irriger Datierung, The Brooklyn Daily Eagle Nr. 344 auf S. 14:
"                    Musical Moments
    Mme. Nordica will be soloist at the concerts of the Philharmonic Society tonight and tomorrow afternoon, singing the immolation scene from "Gotterdammerung" and a group of songs with piano. The orchestra, under Josef Stransky, will play the Bruckner "Fifth Symphony" and the Beethoven "Overture Leonore No. 3."  " (**).


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 191112135, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-191112135
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11