zurück 24.12.1911, Sonntag ID: 191112245

The Minneapolis Tribune Nr. 105 (Star Tribune, Minnesota) kommt auf S. 20, wie schon am 17.12.1911, auf die Aufführung der 5. Symphonie am 14./15.12.1911 zu sprechen, wobei u. a. aus der Besprechung der Evening World vom 15.12.1911 zitiert wird:
"            New York Music Letter
                BY S. S. SCHROFF.
NEW YORK, Dec. 24.–(Special.)–The lists of composers who originally made their mark as melodists [... Puccinie etc., Massenets "Don Quichotte" ... ].
         Bruckner Symphony Not Popular.
     According to announcement Josef Stransky gave Bruckner's fifth symphony at Carnegie hall with the Philharmonic orchestra. The verdict of musicians who heard the work was not favorable. It seemed, on the whole, dull and labored in all of its four movements, with only one place that stirs the feelings. This occurs at the close of the final allegro, where a brass band composed of three trumpets, three trombones, four horns, and contrabass tuba, and stationed on a platform behind the other players, adds its overwhelming volume of sound to the orchestral climax. This "brought down the house," and Dr. Stransky was recalled demonstratively and repeatedly.
     The underlying motives may be faith and abnegation, but the principal melody, if meant to express those virtues, is not particularly attractive. There are pizzicato and [sic] accompaniments, from time to time, that are pleasing, and there are some snatches of beauty in the adagio and the scherzo, but the finale is more noisy than great.     Mr. Stransky is to be congratulated upon the earnestness and intelligence with which he interpreted the work and his orchestra upon the excellence with which they played it, but Bruckner will never be popular here.
     The Philharmonic concert on Sunday afternoon [... Zitate aus der Kritik von Mr. Meitzer (hält das Engagement von Stransky statt Weingartner für einen Fehler) ...]." (*).

In einer Konzertankündigung in The Indianapolis Star Nr. 202 auf S. 45 (= S. 25 dieses Teils) wird das Konzert vom 14./15.12.1911 [mit der 5. Symphonie] erwähnt: "Mme. Nordica Receives Greeting From Crowd     Mme. Lillian Nordica, who will give a concert at the Murat Theater Jan. 8, has lately appeared in Carnegie Hall, New York, with the Philharmonic Orchestra. The Evening Post said of her:     "That the appearance of Lillian Nordica with the Philharmonic would attract one of the largest audiences of the season was a foregone conclusion, and that, too, in spite of the presence on last night's program of a symphony by Bruckner, who has never been popular in New York.     "Mme Nordica received a royal greetings, was in good voice and her art was at its best. [... die Lieder – Schumanns "Nussbaum" als Zugabe ...].     "The climax of the concert, both vocally and orchestrally, was the Immolation scene from 'Gotterdammerung,' in which Mme. Nordica sang with her wonted vocalsweep and depth of emotional utterance. This also was applauded most cordially."  " (**).


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 191112245, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-191112245
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11