zurück 16.6.1912, Sonntag ID: 191206165

Artikel von Hans Kyser »Wann feiern wir ein Brucknerfest? und Antwort von Emil Gutmann« im Berliner Tageblatt (*).
The Los Angeles Times schreibt auf S. 49 (= S. 23 des 3. Teils) über einen Bruckner-Schüler:
"Adolf Tandler.
     Mr. Tandler, whose Alexandria concerts have been noted for their artistic worth,was born in Vienna, and began to earn his living by music at the age of 9 years, as soprano in several of the cathedrals.
    His voice failed through overwork, and he entered the Royal Academy, where for eight years he was a special pupil of Anton Bruckner, in composition. He studied violin with Arnold Rose, and piano with Ferdinand Lowe.
     After graduation he served as the youngest public conductor in Vienna, organizing and founding with Carl Hix the new Philharmonic orchestra of seventy-four men." (**).


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 191206165, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-191206165
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11