zurück 15.4.1913, Dienstag ID: 191304155

Das Bruckner-Denkmal wird in einem großen Artikel über Wien im Camden Post-Telegram Nr. 5536 (The Morning Post, Camden, New Jersey) auf S. 9 erwähnt, völlig identisch mit dem Artikel der New York Times vom 13.4.1913:
[... drei Abbildungen ...]
             By James Huneker.
I ALWAYS know when I am in Austria; the coffee is much better than the watery, flavorless compound you are offered in Germany. Perhaps, the sharper accents of the Viennese cuisine may not appeal to you–the German cookery by comparison is colorless–but the superiority of the coffee and pastry is manifest.
     I am sure this is not a happy way of beginning to sing the praises of Vienna the Magnificent; but, after all, sufficient for the day is the Baedeker thereof. [... "Austrian Cooking" ... "Some Fine Restaurants" ... "Optinistic Vienna." ... "A Paradise for Musicians" ... "Viennese Art and Literature ... 38 Brunnen, 80 Denkmäler, 39 Parkanlagen ...].
     In the parks and on public squares you see statues erected to the memory of celebrated men: Beethoven, (2,) Brahms, Schubert, Bruckner, Anzengruber, Goethe, Grillparzer, Gutenberg, inventor of printing; Robert Hamerling, the poet; Josef Haydn, [... sieben weitere Namen ...]. Think of the Central Cemetery, where is the empty grave of Mozart; where are the remains of Beethoven, Gluck, Franz Schubert, Johann Strauss, near his friend Brahms, and where lie such men as Von Suppé, Milloecker, Bruckner [sic!], Herbeck, Hugo Wolf, Makard [sic], Clement, and the pedagogue Czerny! Vienna honors her illustrious dead in an appropriate manner. [... "Some of the Sights" ... The Beautiful Suburbs" ...]. Of all the European cities (after New York, if I may be permitted to perpetarte a mild Celtic bull, for New York is becoming more European than Europe) I best like Vienna the Magnificent."


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 191304155, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-191304155
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11