zurück 13.12.1913, Samstag ID: 191312135

Obwohl einen ortsansässigen Autor betreffend, kommt die Besprechung seines Buches in The Philadelphia Inquirer Nr. 166 auf S. 13 als vierte (erstmals am 8.11.1913):
A Third Book of Commentations on Orchestral Compositions by Well-Known Writer
MR. PHILIP H. GOEPP, the well-known local writer on musical topics and perhaps most widely known as the author of the weekly comments on the programs of the Philadelphia Orchestra, has just added to his former two volumes on "Symphonies and Their Meaning," a third which is simply a continuation of the same  method by which he takes up the best known works of this art-form and reveals them to the public in so far as is possibvle within the brief space allotted to each. [...]. The openbing chapters deal with Berlioz and Liszt [... weitere fünf Namen ...]. Tschaikowsk is represented by three symphonies and the neo-Russians by four more. Bruckner, Wolff, Mahler and Richard Strauss are represented by works on which the author has not heretofore commented. These commentaries have been so helpful to the concert-goer that it is certain that the volume contained so vast an amount of music lore, of biographical, historical lore, as well as apt critical comment, will be wanted by a large share of music-lovers of this vicinity. Published by the J. B. Lippincott Co." [keine Signatur]


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 191312135, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-191312135
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11