zurück 28.12.1913, Sonntag ID: 191312285

Die Ankündung des Konzerts vom 2./3.1.1914 mit der 3. Symphonie in The Cincinnati Enquirer Nr. 362 auf S. 45 (= S. 3 des 4. Teils) widmet sich vor allem dem Solisten und lässt dann den Dirigenten zu Wort kommen
"           Matters Musical.
[... Abbildung Franz Egenieff ...]
     Franz Egenieff, the famous German baritone, has been secured by the management of the Symphony Orchestra for the next series of concerts Friday afternoon and Saturday evening of this week at Emery Auditorium under the direction of Dr. Ernst Kunwald. [... über den Solisten ...].
     The numbers which he has selected to sing here are [... Wagner, Verdi ...]. The orchestral numebrs [sic] on the program are the third symphony of Bruckner; the overture to "Der Fliegende Hollander," Wagner; prelude, "L'Apres-Midi d'Un Faune," Debussy, and the overture to "Die Verkaufte Braut," Smetana.
     The following interesting article from the pen of the Symphony Orchestra's popular conductor will explain itself:
     To my great surprise, an examination of the history of the Symphony Orchestra shows that the works and the name of the great Austrian symphonist, Anton Bruckner, are not represented on the program of the organization. It seems to me that the public should be given an opportunity to hear some of the works of this composer, one of the few really great writers of symphonic music.
     It is a strikingly apparent law in the history of music that the great personalities in the world of this art have not been isolated, but that distinct groups of them have lived in different eras, forming a duo or a trio of great men, as the case may be. So we have the trio of great writers in the antique style, Bach, Handel and Gluck; the trio of the great writers of the classical symphony, Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven; the romantic trio, Schubert, Mendelssohn and Schumann; the trio of writers of "program music," Berlioz, Liszt and Richard Strauss, and, last, but not least, the trio of modern symphony writers, who made use of a style different from that of the classicists, namely, Brahms, Tschaikowsky and Bruckner.
     The three last-named composers lived at about the same time. They all died in the last quarter of the nineteenth century, and form, with all of their differences, a wonderfully impressive trio in the history and development of music. Brahms represents strength of mind, architectonic capacity and formal perfection. Tschaikowsky glows with sensuous beauty and broad orchestral color. Bruckner's characteristics are poetry, fancy and richness of invention.
                       Dr. Ernst Kunwald." (*).
[Kunwald korrigierte seine Meinung zu den Aufführungszahlen am 4.1.1914.]
Aufführung eines Bruckner-Werkes durch das verstärkte Blüthner-Orchester unter Werner Wolff im 3. Konzert des Vereins für Frauen und Mädchen der Arbeiterklasse um 16 Uhr im Blüthner-Saal in Berlin.
Auf dem Programm stehen außerdem Werke von Berlioz, Richard Strauss und Liszt (2. Klavierkonzert mit Leo Kestenberg) (**).


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 191312285, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-191312285
letzte Änderung: Mai 02, 2023, 12:12