Die New York Tribune Nr. 24584 stellt auf S. 24 (= S. 4 des 3. Teils) das Programm des Konzerts vom 10.3.1914 (mit dem "Ave Maria" [WAB 6]) vor [mit irrigen Angaben zur Werkentstehung]:
Spring Concert of This Organization Next Tuesday.
Next Tuesday evening, in Carnegie Hall, the Musical Art Society gives its spring concert. These concerts do more for the advancement of musical taste than any dozen operatic or other concert performances [... "unaccompanied choral singing", Frank Damrosch ... detaillierte Programmfolge ...]
Adoramus Te . . . . . . . . . . . . . Perti (1661 - 1756)
(Motet for four voices.)
Ave Maria (by request) . . . . Bruckner (1824 - '96)
(Hymn for seven voices.)
Divertimento, in D major (Kochel, No. 131) Mozart (1756 - '91)
[... 6 weitere Werke ...]
Four Gypsy songs, Op. 112 . Brahms (1833 - '97)
(Four mixed voices and pianoforte.)
Several of these numbers deserve more than a passing mention. Bruckner's "Ave Maria" for seven voices, a capella, was sung at its first concert this season by the Musical Art Society on December 16. 1913; it is therefore unnecessary to say anything here about the composer. Bruckner composed the hymn for four voices with organ accompaniment in 1856. Five years afterward he gave it the seven-voiced, unaccompanied form, and it was first performed as an offertory at Linz on May 12, 1861.
Standing midway between Mozart's quartets, quintets and the like pieces [... ausführlich über das Divertimento und die anderen Chorwerke ...]."
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 191403085, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-191403085letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11