zurück 24.10.1915, Sonntag ID: 191510245

Grassmann erhält von der Hofkapelle die Duplikatpartitur der d-Moll-Messe (*).
The Brooklyn Daily Eagle Nr. 295 kündigt auf S. 10 die Aufführung von "Tota pulchra es" am 14.12.1915 an:
"                 MUSICAL ART SOCIETY.
     The Musical Art Society of New York, Frank Damrosch, director, is to give concerts in Carnegie Hall, Manhattan, one on Tuesday evening, December 14, and the other on Tuesday evening, March 14, at 8:30 o'clock. In the December concert there will be numbers by Palestrina, "Adoramus Te"; Pretorius' Christmas songs; Sweelinck's "Gaudete Omnes"; Arens' "Salve Regina"; Christmas songs by Cevart; Bruckner's Motet, "Tota Pulchra Es"; the Karg-Elert "Vom Himmel Hoch," and numbers by Cornelius, Bruch, Cui and Brahms." (**).
The Pittsburgh Sunday Post Nr. 45 (Pittsburgh Daily Post) bespricht auf S. 20 (= S. 8 des 2. Teils) ein Buch, dessen Autor schon am 1.6.1913 sich nicht als Bruckner-Befürworter erwiesen hat:
"Musical Comments and Current Events
SINCE Harold Bauer's recent recital in Carnegie Music Hall a good deal of comment has been heard regarding his interpretation of Bach. [... ausführlich über Aspekte der Bach-Interpretation (neutral oder persönlich, romantisch gefärbt?) ...]. May we have more of such Bach playing!
     Another book by that brilliant essayist, James Huneker, has just been published. Like all his other books, this one, which bears the fantastic title, "Ivory Apes and Peacocks," contains many references to music, for Mr. Huneker–speaking broadly–knows more about music than all the other American writers on the subject put together. [... auch Literatur, bildende Kunst ...].
     Of late Mr. Huneker seems possessed by a thousand ideas when he takes his pen in hand. These ideas come so fast that, despite their brillant presentation, the reader is confused by having so much offered in so little space. [... über den Stil des Buches ... einige Zitate zu Walt Whitman, Tolstoi ...].
     In another chapter we find this: "I dislike grand opera as a miserable mismash of styles, compromises and arrant ugliness. The moment the human voice intrudes in an orchestral work my dreamworld of music vanishes. Mother Church is right in banishing from within the walls of her temples the femals voice."
     [... Über Schönberg ("subtle ugliness ... cruelty ... the spirit that denies") ... Richard Strauss ...] One so conspicuously rich in the gift of music-making might have avoided the more facile triumphs of the stage."
     Further in we read that "Humperdinck is a mediocrity, even more so than Puccini. And what of the banalities of Bruckner? His Wagnerian cloak is a world too large for his trifling themes. Siegfried Wagner does not count."
     When one begins to quote Mr. Huneker it is difficult to stop. Yet a period must be put to these quotations. Suffice it to say that "Ivory (and) Apes and Peacocks" contains in all 28 essays. It is published by Charles Scribner's Sons, the firm that brings out all of Mr. Huneker's works.
                                           JENNIE IRENE MIX." (***) [siehe die Anmerkung]
Der San Francisco Chronicle kündigt auf S. 24 Aufführungen auch Brucknerscher und Mahlerscher Werke an:
Director Alfred Hertz Gives Hint of the Programmes He Will Offer
A VOICE to calm our fears is that of Alfred Hertz. In terms of complete confidence he has put aside the mixed but sinister voices of rumor which were heard last week concerning our symphony orchestra. [... Kontrakt-Verhandlungen ... Orchester vergrößert (mindestens 80) ... Gehälter ...].
     According to Conductor Alfred Hertz ten pairs of concerts will be given during the season, the first to be offered Friday afternoon, December 17th. [...].
     The Sunday concerts will repeat the Friday programmes number for number. In this duplication of programmes the custom prevailing in all the great symphony organizations throughout the world will be followed.
     "My purpose," says Director Hertz, "will be to provide programmes not to frighten the timid lover of music or the uninformed amateur, but to entice him. I shall do nothing formidable, but shall aim at construvtive programme schemes of educational and entertaining values.
     For the first concert I have selected [... Programm des ersten Konzerts ...].
     "I am assembling a list of novelties that should be found vastly entertaining, I think. In the list is Paul Dukas' 'La Peri,' [... Grainger, Pfitzner, Scheinpflug, Borodin, Reger (Ballettsuite), Glasunow ...]; Debussy's 'Nocturnes' for orchestra and women's voices, and compositions by Bruckner and Mahler.
     "Still another novelty [...]. Let us hope that this season [...] will satisfy the needs of musical San Francisco." (°).


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 191510245, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-191510245
letzte Änderung: Sep 18, 2024, 12:12