zurück 10.2.1917, Samstag ID: 191702105

Ankündigung der 3. Symphonie für den 16./17.2.1917 im Los Angeles Evening Express Nr. 275 auf S. 7:
"            Melolog at Next Symphony
     Early in the season it was announced by Manager F. W. Blanchard of the Los Angeles Symphony orchestra that the seventh program would be one of extraordinary interest, and for that reason the forthcoming event, scheduled for Friday aftetrnoon [sic] and Saturday evening, February 16 and 17, is being looked forward to with keen anticipation by the music lovers of the city and surroundings towns.
     This seventh program will have for its major featuere George Edward's melolog, The Hunter, [... ausführlich über dieses Werk, Constance Crawley als Sprecherin ... vielversprechender junger Komponist ...] whose works will become classics.
     In addition to this special feature, there also will be played by the orchestra, Bruckner's Symphony No. 3 in D minor and Saint-Saens' Phaeton."


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 191702105, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-191702105
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11