The Brooklyn Times (Times Union, Brooklyn, New York) berichtet auf S. 8 vom gestrigen Konzert:
Splendid Program Given at the Academy.
Easter music of a type and quality rarely heard, formed a large part of the program of the Choral Art Club, of Brooklyn, at its second and last private concert of the season last night in the Academy of Music.
The big chorus of men and women, under the direction of Alfred Y. Cornell, sang with its usual fine, full tone. [... weiteres Lob ...].
The soloists were Gaston M. Dethier, pianist, and Edouard Dethier, violinist.
The selections ranged from Lotti's ancient "Crucifixus" to the Rhapsody, by Brahms, for male chorus, with alsto solo. Even in the first part of the program, which was devoted entirely to ecclesiastical music, there was no little variety.
The capacity of the club for sustained effort was demonstrated in Bortniansky's "Teach Me, O Lord," one of the most impressive choral works of the famous Russian writer of saced [sic] Choruses. Bruckner's "Ave Maria," for seven voices [WAB 6], was also finely sung. Beginning with close harmony in the women's voices, following by a minor strain of the male voices, the first part works up to a magnificent fortissimo climax. The way in which the chorus sang the "Amen" was a revelation. The chord was sustained from soft to loud and from loud to soft again with an exquisite purity and precision.
The "Crucifixus" revealed a high degree of technical skill. [... über die weiteren Programmnummern (Brahms mit Grace Harden, Peterson-Berger, Elgar, aus Violinsonaten von Grieg, Richard Strauss und Enrico Bossi) ...].
"The Star Spangled Banner" was sung at the end of the program. The concert was the concluding one of the club's sixth season." [keine Signatur] (*).
Eine weitere Kritik erscheint in The Brooklyn Citizen Nr. 80 auf S. 7 (= S. 3 des 2. Teils):
Dethier Brothers Appear at Easter Concert.
The annual Easter concert of the Choral Art Club, of which Alfred M. Best is the president, took place last evening at the Academy of Music. Director Alfred Y. Cornell led the large body of artists through the long programme with his usual skill and superb interpretation.
The soloists of the evening were [... Dethier ...] and they received hearty applause.
Perhaps the best liked and the most pretentious number on the programme was "Crucifixus" (A. Lotti), for eight voices. [...]. The programme was as follows:
"Alla Trinita Beata" (Fifteenth Century), four voices. The composer of this ancient hymn is unknown. "Ave Maria" (Bruckner, 1825-7896 [sic]), for seven voices; "Teach Me, O Lord" (Bortniansky, 1751-1825); [... die übrigen Programmnummern ...]." [keine Signatur] (**).
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 191803225, URL: Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11