The Manchester Guardian Nr. 22836 erwähnt in einem Kurzbericht über das Berliner Musikleben auf S. 6 auch die Aufführung der f-Moll-Messe [am 7.10.1919]:
[... über fünf Konzert-Projekte ... über die Wiener Erstaufführung der "Frau ohne Schatten" unter Franz Schalk ...].
That the Germans remain true to their latest musical idols may be seen from the fact that Berlin has already this winter had a Reger week, with other concerts which included the First and Second Symphonies of Mahler, the F minor Mass of Bruckner, and the 116th Psalm for Female Voices and Orchestra, by Franz Schrecker [sic], a composer whose reputation has been greatly enhanced during the period of the war.
[... über eine Musikgesellschaft in Liverpool ...]."
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 191910185, URL: Änderung: Jul 03, 2024, 12:12