zurück 20.2.1921, Sonntag ID: 192102205

Aufführung des Tantum ergo in B-Dur [WAB 41/1]  in der Kirche Maria vom Siege (*).
Die Reichspost Nr. 50 meldet auf S. 10, dass am 15.3.1921 das Andante der f-Moll-Symphonie aufgeführt wird (**).
Laut Bericht der New York Tribune Nr. 27125 auf S. 40  (= S. 6 des 3. Teils) war der Geiger Sabatini ein Bruckner-Schüler:
"             Music Notes
     The latest foreign violinist to arrive from Europe and who will make his New York début on the evening of February 22, in Carnegie Hall, is Carlo Sabatini. He has been appearing in Europe and the British Isles for several years. The violinist is a native of Vienna, his parents being Italian and Austrian. His first teacher was his father, a well known amateur. At the age of fourteen he entered the Conservatory of Vienna, and later studied with such teachers as Gruen, Helmsberger [sic] and Bruckner. His first public appearance took place when he was sixteen years of age. He then left for England, where he was soloist with the Philharmonic Society, under Sir Henry Wood. While in the British metropolis he met August Wilhelmj, who became interested in his work and aided him in several ways." [siehe die Anmerkung] (***).


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 192102205, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-192102205
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11