Aufführung der 3. Symphonie unter Hein in Baden-Baden (*).
Besprechung von Mahlers Dritter Symphnonie in The New York Herald Nr. 187 auf S. 44 (= S. 6 des 3. Teils):
" Mahlerians Trying to Cudgel Public Into Adoring His Music
Viennese Propagandists Here Seem Responsible for Presentations of Late Composer's Third Symphony, Another Ponderous Creation Two Hours in Length.
CONCERNING the vigorous activities of the Viennese propagandists in the field of opera and concert in this city [... Aufführungsgeschichte in New York ... über das Werk ... über Mahlers Stil und Charakteristik ...]
Inspiring Structures of Tone.
Following the method of his master, Bruckner, he labored diligently at rearing colossal and imposing structures of tone, built of long, deep breathing phrases and expanding themselves in gigantesque figures of counterpoint, in pendulous stuccoes of baroque instrumentation and in ponderous, portentous and often pointless lyric symbols. [...].
But who by taking thought can add a cubit to his stature? The third and the eighth symphonies of Mahler reveal more evidences of astounding labor than his other works. We find in them the agonized straining of the gaze that would pierce infinities, the inexpressible torturing of an insatiable spirit, the splendid but hopeless sincerity of an ineffectual soul. There are no more pathetic figures in the history of the arts than Bruckner and Mahler, both of whom command respect and sympathy.
But their so-called disciples, who are at such pains to reiterate the despairing cries of these expiring spirits, are perhaps less concerned about delivering posterity from devastating ignorance than about establishing themselves in unoccupied territory. [...]. Tuesday evening's audience did Mahler the honor of listening to his entire work. How many of those present will desire to do it again?" (**).
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 192203055, URL: Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11