zurück 4.11.1923, Sonntag ID: 192311045

Tschechische Erstaufführung der 9. Symphonie durch die Tschechische Philharmonie unter Václav Talich [in Prag?] (*).

The Boston Globe Nr. 127 bringt auf S. 68 die Hoffnung zum Ausdruck, dass Pierre Monteux den Vorsatz, die 7. Symphonie zu spielen, weiterverfolgt:
"        Music Notes and Comment
[... über kommende und gewesene Konzerte (darunter Claudio Arrau, 19 J.) ...].
    Francophile commentators to the contrary notwithstanding Bruckner is a minor master much of whose music ought to be in the permanent repertory of every first-rate orchestra. Can any folly be more absurd than the allowing of one's political ideas to color one's judgment of music? Mr Monteux however, is happily exempt from this failing, whatever may be the case of some in his audiences. One hopes he will sea [sic] his way to reviving Bruckner's Seventh Symphony this season." (**).

Die Chicago Tribune Nr. 44 konstatiert auf S. 19 Anklänge an Bruckner bei Wilhelm Kienzl:
                 Dramatically, Is Almost New "Werther."
                           BY EDWARD MOORE.
     Wilhelm Kienzl's opera "Der Evangelimann," received its first performance in America by the Wagnerian Opera company at the Great Northern theater yesterday afternoon, [...].
     As the plot goes beyond "Werther" in the elements that made that work a source of joy, so does the music express "Kuhreigen" in its gentle gush of naïve sentimentality. There were times yesterday afternoon when I suspected Bruckner of having had a hand in the composition of the serious moments; the lighter incidents frequently sounded like "Hansel and Gretel" run to seed." (***).


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 192311045, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-192311045
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11