Im Neuen Wiener Tagblatt Nr. 33 erscheint auf S. 30 ein Inserat der Firma "Gutmann-Symphonia-Ika", in dem auch auf das Bruckner-Konzert unter Franz Schalk am 17.2.1924 hingewiesen wird (*).
Besprechung des gestrigen Konzerts in der Chicago Tribune Nr. 29 auf S. 13:
"Stock Great Director Even with One Arm
Leads Orchestra Despite Injured Wrist.
A working basis for operations in the Chicago Symphony orchestra concerts was established yesterday afternoon by having Frederick Stock conduct the first and last numbers on the program, resigning the baton to his able assistant, Eric DeLamarter, for the middle composition, which was also the longest. Something of the sort will probably continue until Mr. Stock's injured arm recovers sufficiently to permit him to take full charge again.
In the meantime Mr. Stock is in a position to challenge the claim that John Philip Sousa used to make of being the best one armed conductor in the world. The one arm is the left, too. Certainly the Bach Concerto in G major never sounded any more mellow or flexible or enjoyable than it did yesterday, nor was there an accompaniment any more exact and forceful than the one for Carl Friedberg's piano solo.
When it came to Mr. DeLamarter's part of the performance, there was no trouble in the conducting. The trouble lay in the music, the ninth symphony from the pen of Anton Bruckner. It has been silent for eleven years, and it may as well go back on the shelves for eleven more. For it comes near to being the most uninteresting piece in the orchestra's whole répertoire, the "L'Africaine" and "Cleopatre" of symphonies. In actual time it consumed fifty-seven minutes, but it seemed as though it ran for hours and hours and hours. It has a scherzo movement with a fair degree of entertainment, a first and third that are boundless wactes, and one further merit, that its fourth movement was never written.
Mr. Friedberg, whose last visit here was in 1915, chose the Beethoven Concerto No. 5 for his return attraction. [...]." (***).
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 192402025, URL: Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11