zurück 7.3.1924, Freitag ID: 192403075

Ankündigung der Bruckner-Feier in St. Pölten in der Österreichischen Volkszeitung Nr. 66 auf S. 6: Vortrag Decseys am 8.3.1924 [oder recte 7.3.1924?], 4. Symphonie und "Te deum" am 9.3.1924 (*).

[wann genau? evtl. erst am 8.3.1924?]
Vortrag von Ernst Decsey über Bruckner in St. Pölten (**).

Die Premiere "The Ten Commandments", für deren Begleitmusik auch Bruckners 4. Symphonie verwendet wurde, wird in The Boston Globe Nr. 67 auf S. 24 für den 10.3.1924 angekündigt:
Arranged by Dr Riesenfeld Who Conducts Premier
     Dr. Hugo Riesenfeld has arranged the musical score that will be played by an augmented orchestra at the Tremont Theatre premiere of  "The Ten Commandments" Monday evening. Much of the score is Dr Riesenfeld's original composition, and he comes from New York today to conduct the final rehearsal, and will remain oder to conduct the opening night presentation.
     The first part of the accompaniment, to scenes in Pharoah's [sic] court and the exodus of the Israelites, is of decidedly oriental flavor. A big original theme is used for the pursuit by Pharaoh's chariots and the escape of the children of Israel through the divided waters of the Red Sea. The director derives the lighter motifs of the ancient story from the romantic Bruckner's symphony. Accompanying the orgies of the Golden Calf worship, selections from Rubinstein's "Demon" opera are adapted.     In the modern tale [... über den Schlussteil der Geschichte ...]. The final themes of healing – in the New Testament episode, and the scene of saving Mary from a fate worse than death–are adaptations from "Holy, Holy" and "The Rock of Ages." [siehe die Anmerkung] (***).

Aufführung der 4. Symphonie durch das Gewandhausorchester unter Wilhelm Furtwängler in einem Konzert des Allgemeinen Arbeiter-Bildungs-Instituts in Leipzig (°).


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 192403075, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-192403075
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11