zurück 27.4.1924, Sonntag ID: 192404275

Die Österreichische Volkszeitung Nr. 116 bringt auf S. 8 einen Nachruf auf Josef Labor, in dem auch Bruckner erwähnt wird (*).
Die Reichspost Nr. 116 kündigt auf S. 9 die Bruckner-Feier am 29.4.1924 an und weist auf das Festkonzert am 19.5.1924 hin (**).
Brief des Bruckner-Grabschutzbundes in Ansfelden (Holzer) an Franz Xaver Müller [Inhalt nicht erschlossen] (***).
The Boston Globe Nr. 118 weist auf S. 88 (= S. 10 des Zeitungsteils) auf die kommende Brucknerfeier in Wien hin:
"   Music Notes and Comment
     Vienna will celebrate the 100th anniversary of Bruckner's birthday in September. A program is in course of preparation under the presidency of the Minister of Education, Dr Schneider, and a committee. The Pester Lloyd announces that the festival will take place partly in the Hofmusik Kapelle, partly in the Church of St Florian, where the great Bruckner organ is." (°).
The Davenport Democrat and Leader Nr. 170 (Quad-City Times, Davenport, Iowa) informiert auf S. 18 über die Filmmusik zu "The Ten Commandments":
     Dr. Hugo Reisenfeld [sic] who spends $1,000,000 a year in the music of the four Paramount playhouses of New York City has thought out unique plans ensuring a high level of excellence to the presentations of "The Ten Commandments" en tour.
     The essential feature of the plan (now being organized by Famous Players-Lasky) is to send a group of Symphony players on the road with each of the traveling companies. Headed by an operatic conductor trained by Mr. Reisenfeld [sic], they will present a musical accompaniment equaling the grand effects at the parent house, the George M. Cohan Theatre, New York. This is something that only a highly trained orchestra of symphonists can achieve.
     "The Ten Commandments" music, written and arranged by Riesenfeld, is admittedly the most difficult ever synchronized to the screen. Parts of great compositions like Bruckner's and "Die Valkyrie" are used and the climax of Rubinstein's "Demon" opera accompanies the barbaric Golden Calf orgy.
     An original theme of tremendous awe and power introduces the giving of the Commandments from Mount Sinai. Musically and visually it is as if the whole might of Heaven were let loose and the Law belched forth out of Sinai's fire and lightning and thunder, even as the Bible describes it. In the modern part [... über den zweiten Teil ... Probenablauf ...]." (°°).
Bruckner wird im Saisonrückblick in The Brooklyn Daily Eagle Nr. 117 auf S. 27 (= S. 3 des 2. Teils) erwähnt:
"                 In Retrospect
YOU have just witnessed–or are witnessing–the death struggles of another musical season. [... Musikleben im 17./18. Jahrhundert und heute ... Jazz ... Moderne und Avantgarde im Konzertsaal (Varese, Strawinsky – fast schon etabliert, Vareses "Octandre") ...].
     It is, of course, easy to laugh at these gentlemen, who return our sallies with a superior smile intimating that posterity will judge them more favorably. Will it? We will qualify with a "Perhaps." But the chances are small, for who today plays the music of Raff, of Bruckner, or any of the thousand classic and romantic revolutionaries who shocked their audiences with unexpected dominant sevenths and consecutive fifths? To be criticized by one's contemporaries does not necessarily mean future fame.
     One more phase of the concert season calls for notice, that contributed by American composers and American organizations.     Harold Barlow's 100 percent U. S. A. orchestra met with unfortunate collapse. [... über diese Konzertserie und andere Veranstaltungen mit amerikanischer Musik ... über Ballette ...]." (°°°).
Aufführung der 4. Symphonie durch die Berliner Philharmoniker unter Wilhelm Furtwängler in Stettin. Auf dem Programm stehen außerdem zuvor Joseph Haydns Sinfonie Nr. 94 und als Abschluss Richard Wagners "Meistersinger"-Vorspiel (#).
Artikel "Linz und Anton Bruckner", signiert "H. W.", in der Österreichischen Illustrierten Zeitung 34, Heft 17 ("Billige Ausgabe für Einzelverkauf | Linzer Domweihe | Preis: 4000 Kronen"), auf S. 5f (##).


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 192404275, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-192404275
letzte Änderung: Mai 23, 2024, 13:13