zurück 28.12.1924, Sonntag ID: 192412285

Bei der Ausschußsitzung der Freien Typographia wird beschlossen, die Aufführung des »Te deum« [1.2.1925] abzusagen (*).

Die Reichspost Nr. 355 auf S. 5 (**)
und die Österreichische Volkszeitung Nr. 354 auf S. 7 (***)
teilen mit, dass Stadtrat Richter einen Rückblick auf die Theater- und Musikausstellung in Wien gegeben hat, der auch die Ausstellung "Wiener ernste Musik von Bruckner bis zur jüngsten Vergangenheit" berücksichtigte.

The Philadelphia Inquirer Nr. 181 kündigt auf S. 25 die Aufführung der 7. Symphonie für den 2./3.1.1925 an:
"[... Überschriften mit Inhaltsübersicht ...]
[... über Weihnachtskonzerte ...]
Orchestra to Play American Numbers
     Featuring Bruckner's seventh symphony in commemoration of the centenary of his birth, the Philadelphia Orchestra, under the leadership of Leopold Stokowski, has a purely orchestral programme for its thirteenth pair of concerts on Friday afternoon and Saturday evening. Two American numbers and one French work constitute the remainder of the offerings, the native composers being Henry Joslyn and Henri Eichheim, and the French composer, Gabriel Pierne.
     Anton Bruckner was an imposing figure in nineteenth century music, and the hundredth anniversary of his birth, which occurred last September, has been widely celebrated abroad. The dirge contained in the adagio of his seventh symphony is his most celebrated page. Written in 1883, shortly after the death of Richard Wagner, it was intended by the composer to honor the master whom he idolized. The full score is dedicated to Wagner's patron, King Ludwig II of Bavaria. The first performance took place a little more than forty years ago, on December 30, 1884, under the baton of Nikisch. The performance at these concerts is the first by the Philadelphia Orchestra.
              Joslyn's "War Dance"
     [... über dieses und die anderen Werke (Pierné: Suite "Paysages Franciscains", 3. Satz) ...]. It is new to local audiences.
     [... weitere Konzertankündigungen ...]." (°).

Auf Seite 30 weist zusätzlich ein Inserat auf diese Konzerte hin:
            ACADEMY OF MUSIC
             LEOPOLD STOKOWSKI, Conductor
BRUCKNER . . . . .  Symphony No. 7, E Major
JOSLYN . . War Dance from "Native Moments"
EICHHEIM . . . . . . . . .  Japanese Nocture [sic]
PIERNE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  La Procession"

Auf derselben Seite wird auch das Kinoprogramm vorgestellt [ohne die Filmmusik (mit der 4. Symphonie) zu erwähnen]:
"          Holiday Photoplays
[... 13 Kinos ... mit Szenenphoto ...]
ALDINE–"The Ten Commandments"
     continues its return engagement here. While the character of Moses has appeared before in Bible films, this is the first depiction on an elaborate scale, of dramatic events leading up to the founding of the Hebrew nation and the giving of the Law from Mount Sinai. The Bible scenes are a one-hour introduction to a dramatic tale of the application of the Ten Commandments to modern life. Scenes of the Exodus show the freed Israelites pouring out the city of Rameses with their flocks and herds. Led by Moses and Joshua, they cross the Egyption desert to the Red Sea. Pharaoh's chariots and fighting men are shown in parallel action, pursuing. Though the murmurers say: "Hast thou brought us out of Egypt to die in the Wilderness?" Moses points the path of deliverance where the Lord has swept back the waters by an East wind, permitting the Israelites to pass through dryshod. The sequence and the subsequent one of the engulfing of Pharaoh's host are shown in natural colors by the technicolor process. [... drei weitere Kinos ...]." (°°).


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 192412285, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-192412285
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11