In The Brooklyn Times (Times Union, Brooklyn) erfährt man auf S. 70 (= S. 6 des Zeitungsteils) etwas über Otto Klemperers Einstellung zu Kürzungen (nicht auf die 8. Symphonie beschränkt):
By H. A. S.
[... über Opern ...]
The Symphonic Schedule.
Four concerts [... Furtwängler ... Konzerte Klemperers ...].
Hope for the development of a Bruckner clientele is held out by Mr. Klemperer in a statement issued by the orchestra officials. The conductor defends the Eighth Symphony in its entirety and opposes suggestions that have recommended that it be cut.
"Cutting Bruckner's works does not increase their beauty, and it does lessen their individuality," he declares. "A public which loves Wagner and Schubert cannot fail to do so because the influence of these two composers is so strongly shown in Bruckner's works." [...]." (*).
The Billings Gazette Nr. 128 (Billings, Montana) bringt auf S. 46 (= S. 14 des 3. Teils) den Artikel über Jazz, in dem der Musiker Manoly als Bruckner-Schüler bezeichnet wird (inhaltlich identisch mit dem Text vom 31.12.1925):
Doomed to Oblivion, Says Wagnerian Performer.
[...] nothing but a fad [...].
So believes L. E. Manoly, who once played under Richard Wagner [...]. What was jazz to a man who had studied under Gustav Mahler and Anton Bruckner and played not only under Wagner and Brahms but most of the world's other great conductors during the past half century?
[...]." (**).
In The Baltimore Sun Nr. 8 (Sonntagsausgabe, The Sun, Baltimore, Maryland) erscheint auf S. 37 (= S. 3 des 4. Teils) ein New Yorker Musikbrief von Henrietta Straus, in dem die Aufführungen der 8. Symphonie [4./5.2.1926 und 14.2.1926] lobend erwähnt werden:
" [... ausführlich über Strawinskys "Les noces" ... Furtwängler sei kein zweiter Toscanini ... Otto Klemperer wie F. ein Freund des "forte" ...]. His reading of the Bruckner "Eighth Symphony" was magnificent and made more converts to this composer than had yet been made in this city. [...]." (***).
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 192602215, URL: Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11