zurück 10.12.1927, Samstag ID: 192712105

The Leader-Post Nr. 289 (Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada) veröffentlicht auf S. 15 einen [ironisch gefärbten] Leserbrief zu der Programmplanung in New York:
"          In The Music World
[... Konzertankündigungen ...].
                Pleasing the Public
     Here are two letters suggesting what is wanted on New York orchestral programs. Together they form a speaking commentary on "how to please everybody":
To the Editor of the New York Times:
     The first three concert programs of the Philharmonic Orchestra in the Sunday afternoon series at Carnegie Hall have presented, among other novelties, the "Leonore" overture and the Second Symphony of Beethoven, "Les Preludes" and the E-flat concerto of Liszt, Grieg's "Peer Gynt" suite and Goldmark's "Negro Phapsody" [sic]–not to mention the infrequently played "Pathetic" symphony of Tchaikovsky.
     Is it gratuitous to congratulate New York's leading orchestral organization and its dynamic conductor on avoiding such oft-played and too frequently heard works as Berlioz's "Fantastic" symphony, Mozart's "Jupiter" and the symphonies of Sibelius, Bruckner, Glazounoff–and Brahms's Third? Or such other music chestnuts as d'Indy's "Istar" variations, [... fünf andere Werke ...] and other things one cannot escape, turn and twist as one may?
     Before the Sunday afternoon series ends we hope to hear even greater innovations–dare we say Beethoven's Fifth and Seventh symphonies and one of Liszt's rhapsodies, as well as a repetition of the "Leonore" overture and "Les Preludes," to which Mr. Mengelberg's devotion has been so rarely proved?
                            HOWARD DEVREE.
              Another Dissatisfied
     [... an die New York Times ... Olin Downes Wunsch 1926 nach mehr Werken englischer Komponisten sei unerfüllt geblieben ... Vorschläge hierzu ...].
                            E. G. LAWFORD."


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 192712105, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-192712105
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11