Programm des Bruckner-Festes in Karlsruhe: Einführungsabend im Konzertsaal der Badischen Hochschule mit Vortrag von Karl Grunsky »Bruckner als Symphoniker« und Aufführung der 5. Symphonie in Grunskys Bearbeitung für zwei Klaviere (Georg Mantel und Karl Grunsky) (*).
Ausführliche, aber nicht wohlwollende Besprechung der gestrigen Aufführung der 4. Symphonie in The Manchester Guardian Nr. 25954 auf S. 14, signiert "N. C.":
Bruckner's Fourth Symphony
[...] The horn wobbled at the very outset of the work [... Abendroth ohne Ausstrahlung ... ]. Bruckner was a naïve writer; [...] he believed that by faith alone in the symphony could a great symphony be created. [... tedious etc. ...]; Bruckner is for German-speaking folk and nobody else. [... ständige Wiederholungen ...]. The prolixity of the German language, its clauses within clauses, paragraphs and sub-paragraphs, can be felt in all of his movements, [... einschläfernd, nicht enden wollend ... Hörer wird zappelig ...].
The time for introducing Bruckner to this country seems to have passed. [...] There is a better chance for Mahler to-day than for Bruckner, as far as this country is concerned. [... ganz kurz zu den übrigen Programmnummern ... über Fidelio-Arie ...] we got the impression that Professor Abendroth, in his enthusiasm for the composer, had forgotten Mr. Falkner's presence and mortal larynx altogether.
N. C." (**).
Auf Seite 12 wird die Radioübertragung kommentiert, signiert "D.":
There have been festivals in Germany in which Bach has been impiously struck out of the "Three B's" to make room for Anton Bruckner, who has scarcely been heard in this country. It was disappointing, therefore, to get only tantalising scraps of Bruckner transmitted from Liverpool last night, [...].
One could hear enough in the intervals between "technical hitches", to realise that the instruments were not well placed for transmission, that the Symphony was full of a mild tunefulness, rather obvious at times and rather long drawn out at others, but well worth listening to; [... interesting ... giving promise of a new field ...]. D." (***).
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 192911065, URL: Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11