zurück 31.3.1930, Montag ID: 193003315

Aufführung der 8. Symphonie durch das Bayerische Staatsorchester unter Hans Knappertsbusch im 9. Abonnementkonzert der Musikalischen Akademie im Münchner Odeon (*).

Hinweis auf das heutige Konzert in The Manchester Guardian Nr. 26076 auf S. 10:
   To-day's Features: Women's Orchestra; [...]
     Two of the National programme features to-night are of special interest to women. The first is [... Mrs. Snowden ...] and the second the performance of the British Women's Symphony Orchestra. [...].
     The orchestra, which, as its name denotes, consists entirely of women musicians, was formed in London six years ago. Its existence is due partly to the ban which many first-class orchestras put upon women performers. For a time it had a woman conductor, but since 1925 this position has been frequently occupied by Dr. Malcolm Sargent. He will conduct to-night.
     The concert is at the Queen's Hall, and the part to be relayed is the playing of Bruckner's Fourth Symphony, which at [sic] will be remembered was heard earlier in the season [5.11.1929]. Bruckner has never yet found his way into public favour, the reason being probably that there are comparatively few opportunities of hearing him.
     The regional programms are very much lighter affairs–brass band concert, revue, Wireless military Band. [... ausländische Sender ...].
(261.3 metres: 1,148 kc/s) & (1,554,4 metres, 193kc/s)
     [... ab 10:15 Uhr ... 18:40 Scarlatti ...]. 7  45: Maria Sandra (negro spirituals). 8  0: British Women's Symphony Orchestra, relayed from the Queen's Hall. 9  0: Weather Forecast, Second General News Bulletin; [... etc., 23-24 Uhr "Dance Music"]." (**).

Aufführung der 4. Symphonie durch das British Women's Symphony Orchestra unter Malcolm Sargent um 20 Uhr in der Queen's Hall in London (mit Radioübertragung) (***).
[siehe die Anmerkung]


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 193003315, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-193003315
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11