Das Prager Tagblatt Nr. 325 gibt auf S. 4 das Programm für den 28.11.1886 bekannt:
" * Das erste Concert des Deutschen Singvereines in Prag, welches am Sonntag den 28. Nov. um 12 Uhr Mittags unter Mitwirkung des Orchesters des deutschen Landestheaters stattfindet, hat folgendes Programm: 1. Beethoven: "Meeresstille und glückliche Fahrt" op. 112 (Dichtung v. Goethe) für Chor und Orchester. - 2. Chöre à capella (erste Aufführung): a) David Friederia [Friederici] (1623): "Ade"; b) Johann Staden von Nürnberg (1609): "Widerspruch"; c) Hans Leo Haßler (1601): "Tanzliedchen." - 3. Anton Bruckner: Te deum (neu) für Chor, Soloquartett und Orchester. Soloquartett die Vereinsmitglieder Frl. Hedw. Messany, Frl. Nowotny, Hr. Heinr. Tersch und Hr. Ottomar von Starck. - Dirigent ist Hr. Friedrich Heßler." (*).
The Boston Globe Nr. 147 berichtet auf S. 5 in der 3. Spalte über das Konzert am 23.11.1886:
Opening Concert of the Kneisel Quartet Season in Chickerling Hall.
At the first concert of the six attractive offerings to be made this season by the Kneisel quartet a fine audience assembled last evening in Chickering Hall. The greeting accorded to Mr. Franz Kneisel, with his associates, Messrs. Fiedler, Svecenski and Giese, as they came forward was very cordial. [... zunehmende Wertschätzung nach Mozarts d-Moll- und Beethovens e-Moll-Quartett ...]. The adagio from Brueckner's [sic] quintet in F major was heard the first time in this city, and it possessed, therefore, a peculiar interest for music lovers. In this novelty the quartet had the co-operation of Mr. Max Zach as second viola player. It would be difficult to excel, in point of delicate effect, the interpretation of all the instrumental numbers, and the hall seems just adapted for the enjoyment of the "chamber music" in which the members of the Kneisel quartet take such obvious delight. The soloist of the evening was Mme. Trebelli. [... Programm des nächsten Konzerts am 21.12.1886 ...]." [keine Signatur] (**).
Opening Concert of the Kneisel Quartet Season in Chickerling Hall.
At the first concert of the six attractive offerings to be made this season by the Kneisel quartet a fine audience assembled last evening in Chickering Hall. The greeting accorded to Mr. Franz Kneisel, with his associates, Messrs. Fiedler, Svecenski and Giese, as they came forward was very cordial. [... zunehmende Wertschätzung nach Mozarts d-Moll- und Beethovens e-Moll-Quartett ...]. The adagio from Brueckner's [sic] quintet in F major was heard the first time in this city, and it possessed, therefore, a peculiar interest for music lovers. In this novelty the quartet had the co-operation of Mr. Max Zach as second viola player. It would be difficult to excel, in point of delicate effect, the interpretation of all the instrumental numbers, and the hall seems just adapted for the enjoyment of the "chamber music" in which the members of the Kneisel quartet take such obvious delight. The soloist of the evening was Mme. Trebelli. [... Programm des nächsten Konzerts am 21.12.1886 ...]." [keine Signatur] (**).
(Uraufführung der 2. Violoncello-Sonate von Brahms (mit Hausmann als Cellisten) (***)).
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 188611245, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-188611245letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11