zurück 26.9.1891, Samstag ID: 189109265

Kalendernotiz Bruckners: »26. Sept. 891. Fr Kathi 7 fl pro Okt.« (*).

Die in Salina (Kansas) erscheinende Zeitung The Evening News Nr. 33 berichtet auf S. 4 in der 3. Spalte über die am 29.9.1891 in St. Louis beginnenden Proben zum "Te deum" [Konzert am 1.12.1891]:
"                A Big Chorus
     St Louis, Mo. Sept. 26.–The committee which has charge of the appropriations for the celebration of the approaching jubilee of Archbishop Kendrick's [sic] ordination as a priest [sic], is making considerable progress. On Tuesday next the preliminary rehearsals for the performance of Bruckner's Te Deum by the jubilee chorus, will be commenced in halls that have been secured in the four sections of the city. It is expected that the chorus will be fully one thousand strong. [... über die Büste von Erzbischof Kenrick ...]." (**).


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 189109265, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-189109265
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11