zurück 2.12.1891, Mittwoch ID: 189112025

In der »Presse« Nr. 331, Abendblatt S. 3, wird der Festcommers vom 11.12.1891 angekündigt:
     "[Bruckner=Commers.] Der Wiener akademische Gesangverein veranstaltet am 11. December aus Anlaß der Ernennung des Componisten Anton Bruckner zum Ehrendoctor der Wiener Universität im großen Sophiensaal einen Festcommers." (*).
Gleichlautend auch das Deutsche Volksblatt Nr. 1045 auf S. 4 des Abendsblatts:
     "[Bruckner=Commers.] Der Wiener Akademische Gesangverein veranstaltet am 11. d. M. aus Anlaß der Ernennung des Componisten Anton Bruckner zum Ehrendoctor der Wiener Universität im großen Sophiensaale einen Festcommers." (**).
Die Zeitung "St. Louis Post-Dispatch" Nr. 116 berichtet auf S. 4 in der 6. Spalte vom gestrigen Konzert mit den "Te deum":
     The grand demonstration in honor of Archbishop Kenrick by the people of St. Louis in Music Hall last evening was an unqualified success. By 8 o'clock the vast auditorium was packed to suffocation. [... Ausschmückung ... unter den Anwesenden: der Jubilar Kenrick, Kardinal Gibbons, Erzbischöfe Ryan und Gross, Gouverneur Francis ... Ablauf des Konzerts (Grußadressen, Wagner, Mozart, Weber (Oberon), nach weiteren Grußworten] the church choir chorus and a quartett consisting of Misses Kalkman and Finn, Messrs. Humphreys [sic] and Dierkes sang the grand jubilee Te Deum of Bruckner. Too much praise cannot be given to director and chorus for their masterly effort. To those who could understand music the work was a revelation. Not since the days of Wagner has the musical world been treated to a work showing such power, beauty and originality of expression and execution. The motsf [sic] if the work is the song of a nineteenth century Christian who, surrounded by doubts, passes from uncertainty to triumphant convictions. The idea is worked out uniquely. There are strange dissonances, passages which to uncultured ears sound harse and unmelodious, then come wave after wave of grand harmony. As the conflict in the composer's mind ends the strain becomes clearer and stronger and the work terminates in asublime outburst of sustained harmony. Mr, Jos. Otten, who was beset with innumerable difficulties at the outset presented the work in an eminently satisfactory manner. The sopranos were a trifle weak, but this was partly due to the immense strain upon them. The voices of the choristers were remarkably fresh and vigorous. Their attack was good and the shading very satisfactory. Their success last night emboldened the director to say that the Catholic choir chorus would be made a permanent musical feature.
     After the "Te Deum," Cardinal Gibbons arose und thanked the people for the honor they had bestowed upon the great metropolitan of the West. The entire audience then rose and sang the "God of Might," after which the meeting dispersed." [keine Signatur]
Auf derselben Seite wird eine Leseranfrage beantwortet:
     READER. - The seating capacity of the Grand Music Hall of the Exposition Building is 3,551." (***).
Wie schon in den Vortagen fällt der Bericht des St. Louis Globe-Democrat Nr. 185 auf S. 4 in der 5. Spalte kürzer aus:
Archbishop Kenrick Honored with Addresses and Music.
     [... überfüllt lange vor Beginn ... Klerus auch nach Wagners Huldigungsmarsch noch nicht vollzählig eingetroffen, daher Verzögerung  ... Grußworte, Mozart (Chor 4 x 100 Stimmen), Grußworte ...] Denis O'Ahearn in Gaelic und Hon. Daniel Dillon in English. "Te Deum Laudamus," by Bruckner, was then rendered by the chorus and orchestra, Miss Adelaide Kalkman, Miss Teresa Finn, and Messrs. Chas. Humphreys and Ed Dierkes singing the solo parts. The "Te Deum," as sung for the first time in America, was a magnificent success." (°).
Die Westliche Post Nr. 336 berichtet auf S. 5, Spalte 5 bis 7, vom Konzert:
"Das goldene Jubiläum!
Erzbischof Kenrick nimmt die Gratulation der Schulkinder entgegen.
Eine eindrucksvolle Feier.
   Das Abend=Conzert im großen Musiksaale.
     Großartig und eindrucksvoll, wie sie Jubiläumsfeier begonnen hatte, war auch die gestrige Schlußfeier. Hatten am ersten Tage die katholischen Gemeinden als solche dem ehrwürdigen Jubilar ihre Glückwünsche dargebracht, so waren es gestern Vormittag die Kinder [... ausführlicher Bericht mit Gedichttexten etc. ...]
     [... abends Konzert mit Grußworten in verschiedenen Sprachen, darunter] des Herrn Michael Mantkowski als Vertreter der Polen und des Herrn Richard Lewis als Vertreter der farbigen Katholiken von St. Louis.
     Das "Te Deum laudamus", nach Bruckners neuester Composition, bildete den Schluß der Feier, wobei in den Solo= und Quartett=Perioden des herrlichen Kirchengesanges die Damen Adelaide Kalkmann und Therese Finn sowie die Herren Charles Humphrey und Edward Dierkes auftraten.
     Umgeben von den höchsten Prälaten der katholischen Kirche in Amerika saß während der herrlichen Feier der greise Jubilar in seiner Loge, freudig lächelndes Blickes niederschauend auf die Tausende, welche gekommen waren, ihm, als ihrem kirchlichen Vater, ihren Tribut zum hohen Ehrentage darzubringen, - und wenn mitunter Thränen ihm in die Augen traten und still in sich versunken er auf seine Umgebung nicht mehr Acht hatte, so war dies wohl das schönste Zeichen, welch' tiefen Eindruck die ehrende Feier auf ihn selbst gemacht hatte." (°°).
Die Pittsburgh Daily Post Nr. 72 schreibt auf S. 1:
"               JUBILEE SERVICES OVER.

     [...] The "Te Deum Laudamus," by Bruckner, was rendered by a quartet choir and orchestra, after which the audience joined in singing "God of Might, We Sing Thy Praise."
     [...]." (°°°).
The Daily Picayune Nr. 314 (New Orleans, Louisiana) auf S. 1:
     A number of congratulatory and eulogistic addresses were then made, after which the "Te Deum Laudamus," by Bruckner, was rendered by a quartette, the choir and orchestra, after which the audience joined in singing "God of Might, We Sing Thy Praise."
     [...]." (#)
Die Fort Scott Daily Tribune Nr. 50 (Kansas) auf S. 4:
"                     CLOSING CEREMONIES.
End of the More Public Celebration of Archbishop Kenrick's Jubilee.

     ST. LOUIS, Dec. 2.–The closing ceremonies of the third day's celebration of the golden jubilee of Archbishop Kenrick was a grand sacred concert in Music hall, exposition building. The concert was rendered by the choirs of the city, 500 voices constituting the chorus.
     The "Te Deum Laudamus," by Bruckner, was rendered by a quartette, the choir and orchestra, after the audience joined in singing "God of Might, We Sing Thy Praise."
     [...]." (##).
The Kansas City Times Nr. 155 auf S. 4:
     Tonight a grand concert was held in Music hall of the exposition building by the choirs of all the Catholic churches in the city, 500 persons constituting the chorus.
     The "Te Deum Laudamus," by Bruckner, was rendered by a quartette, choir and orchestra, and the audience joined in singing "God of Might, We Sing Thy Praise."
     [...]." (###).
The Galveston Daily News Nr. 253 (Texas) auf S. 2:
     "Te Deum Laudamus," by Bruckner, was rendered by a quartette, chorus and orchestra, after which the audience joined in singing "God of Might, We Sing Thy Praise."
     [...]." (a).
The Atchinson Daily Globe Nr. 4367 (Kansas) auf S. 5:
"                     CLOSING CEREMONIES.
End of the More Public Celebration of Archbishop Kenrick's Jubilee.

     ST. LOUIS, Dec. 2.–The closing ceremonies of the third day's celebration of the golden jubilee of Archbishop Kenrick was a grand sacred concert in Music hall, exposition building. The concert was rendered by the choirs of all the Catholic churches of the city, 500 voices constituting the chorus.
     The "Te Deum Laudamus," by Bruckner, was rendered by a quartette, the choir and orchestra, after the audience joined in singing "God of Might, We Sing Thy Praise."
     [...]." (b).
Damit identisch (in Text und Layout) The Kansas City Gazette Nr. 221 auf S. 2 (c),
The Ottawa Daily Republic Nr. 285 (Kansas) auf S. 1 (d),
Emporia Daily Republican (Kansas) auf S. 1 (e),
The Kansas Democrat (The Topeka Daily Press) Nr. 1747 auf S. 6 (f)
und The Daily Eclipse Nr. 199 (Parsons, Kansas) auf S. 1 (g).


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 189112025, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-189112025
letzte Änderung: Okt 02, 2023, 9:09