Visitenkarte Bruckners mit seinem eigenhändigen Bleistiftvermerk "Dr ABruckner | 27. Mai 1892." (*).
Brief Oberleithners an Schott:
Anfrage wegen der Drucklegung der 1. Symphonie. Es liege ein Antrag [Eberles (#)?] auf Verlegung aller ungedruckten Werke Bruckners vor (**).
Brief Hugo Wolfs [an seine Mutter]:
Schur werde ihm von dem Konzert des Wagner-Vereins unter Josef Schalk am 12.6.1892 [tatsächlich am 15.6.1892] erzählt haben. Das so recht nach Hanslicks Geschmack zusammengestellte Programm enthalte Wagners Huldigungsmarsch, Wolfs »Fest auf Solhaug«, Bruckners 4. Symphonie und Liszts »Gaudeamus« (***).
The Cincinnati Enquirer Nr. 148 berichtet auf S. 4 vom gestrigen Konzert ("Te deum" am 26.5.1892):
Between Two Concerts.
One Is Popular ans Largely Attended,
The Other Classical ans Devoid of Interest.
Another Notable Day of the Tenth May Festival.
The audience at the May Festival yesterday afternoon was a most picturesque one.
It was composed almost entirely of the fair sex, and the great Music Hall was a veritable flower garden. [...]
[... guter Besuch als Beweis, dass diese Art Programme beim Publikum mehr Erfolg haben und den finanziellen Erfolg absichern ... Thomas bietet sonst andere Programme ... über die Solisten des Nachmittagskonzerts ... Lloyd anfangs etwas indisponiert ... 3 Orchesternummern (Brahms Dritte, Chopin-Trauermarsch, Liszts Mazeppa) ...]. At the concert last night the attendance was several hundred less than at the matinee. The programme was what the Germans would call "Langweilig." or in plain English, tiresome. [... abfällig über Bachs Weihnachtsoratorium (Schülerübung, Vorwürfe an Th. Thomas) ...]. For fully an hour the patient people sat and listened to the
And every body was glad when the intermission came. [... Schumann (weit besser als Bach) ...]. The concluding number was a Te Deum, by Anton Bruckner. It is a noisy and brilliant creation, in contrast with the sleepy character of the Christmas oratorio. Mrs. Lawson, Mme. Ritter-Goetze and Mr. Lloyd were the soloists [der Bassist wird nicht genannt!], and they were effective, particularly in the trios and quartets, in which the production abounds. Mr. Lloyd did some pleasing work in the Christmas oratorio, and Mme. Ritter-Goetze made a profound impression upon the classical music lavers by her soulful and artistic rendition of the aria "Slumber. Beloved." in the second part of the Christmas oratorio. The chorus had
In the Te Deum, but they met them bravely and conquered them. Their work throughout was admirable and only the hypercritical could find any fault with it. [... die Sponsoren seien unzufrieden wegen der Bevorzugung der "ultraklassischen" und zu schweren Musik (auch beim heutigen Opernabend zu erwarten – Arienfreunde werden enttäuscht sein) ...]. The financial success of the Festival seems to be assured, and so far it has been an artistic triumph, considering the ponderous and non-melodious character of the music produced.
Appeared in beautiful festival attire both afternoon and evening. [... über die Toiletten der Solistinnen ...].
Theodore Thomas Called Down For His Ultra Classical Music in Chicago. [... wie in Cincinnati: die Programmpolitik von Th. Thomas stößt auch in Chicago auf Widerspruch ... Sponsoren müssen Defizit von 53000 $ decken ... bei unpopulären Programmen und Weiterverfolgen des eigenen Weges ist die Position in Chicago gefährdet ...]
[... Aussage eines Besuchers:] "If the Directors of your Festivals expect to popularize them they will have to get some other Director than Theodore Thomas. He is as stubborn as a mule and has a notion that it is his mission to educate the world in music, and will not listen to reason and advice. He is very unpopular in Chicago, and if he does not accede to the demands of the public, this will be his last season in that city." [keine Signatur]" (°).
Die Chicago Tribune Nr. 148 greift in ihrem Bericht auf S. 5 in der 4. Spalte größtenteils auf den Text zurück, auf den sich auch der obige Artikel stützt:
The Cincinnati Festival a Success in Spite of Stupid Numbers.
CINCINNATI, O., May 26.–[Special.]–The festival audience this afternoon was composed entirely of the fair sex and the great hall was a veritable flower garden. [... guter Besuch als Beweis, dass diese Art Programme beim Publikum mehr Erfolg haben ... über die Solisten und kurz über die orchestralen Werke ...].
At tonight's concert the program, from a popular standpoint, was tiresome. The Bach Christmas oratorio was a failure. Even some of the orchestra declared that no one but Thomas would think of putting it on a program. It was received with noticeable frigidity. Mr. Holmes had little to do, but did that well. The second part included the first Schumann Symphony. The concluding number was a Te Deum by Anton Bruckner. It is noisy and brilliant. Miss Lawson, Mme. Ritter Goetze, and Mr. Lloyd were the soloists, and they were effective in the trios and quartets in which the production abounds. Mr. Lloyd did some pleasing work in the oratorio, and Mme. Ritter Goetze made a impression by her rendition of the aria "Slumber, Beloved." [... die Sponsoren seien unzufrieden wegen der Bevorzugung der "ultraklassischen" Musik ...]. The financial success of the festival is assured and so far it has been an artistic triumph, considering the ponderous and non-melodious character of the music." (°°).
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 189205275, URL: Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11