The Morning Journal-Courier Nr. 159 (New Haven, Connecticut) bringt auf S. 6 den bereits andernorts veröffentlichten Text (mit geringen Druckfehlern):
The Giants of Old That Still Live and the Aspirants for Their Society.
The term "the great composer" is to-day generally understood to be the following masters: Sebastian Bach, [...], Wagner, Liszt, and Brahms. [... viele andere sind kaum bekannt ... ].
There are many names prominent in the musical world to-day which in twenty-five years from now will be forgotten. [... Beispiele aus dem 18. und 19. Jahrhundert ...]. Among the German and Austrian composers there are a large number with relative claims for greatness or prominence. Who among them will be remembered a half century ahead? [... Bungert, Reinecke, Jadassohn, Gernsheim, Keil, Fuchs? ...]. Are the symphonies and Te Deum of Anton Bruckner full of living fire? Are the operas and orchestral works of Goldmark pregnant with vitality? [... Albert Becker, Edgar Tinel, d'Albert, Goetz, Max Bruch, Heinrich Hofmann? ...], the symphonic poems of Richard Strauss, be relegated to obscurity to make way fr newer composers?
[... Frankreich, Italien, Russland, Böhmen, Grieg, England, Amerika? ...].–Music." [keine Signatur]
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 189807045, URL: Änderung: Okt 29, 2024, 19:19