zurück 25.4.1900, Mittwoch ID: 190004255

Die Grazer Tagespost bringt ein Feuilleton "Hans Richter" von R. Heuberger, in dem konstatiert wird, daß Richter erst spät in die Bruckner-Bewegung eingegriffen hat (*).

Kritik zur Aufführung der 3. Symphonie [am 20.4.1900], signiert "-ch-", in der Ostdeutschen Rundschau Nr. 113 auf S. 4 (**).

The Daily Independent (Chippewa Herald-Telegram, Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin) kündigt auf S. 4 die Aufführung des "Te deum" am 3.5.1900 an (identisch mit der Ankündigung vom 18.4.1900):
"                MUSICAL FESTIVAL

Grand Jubilee Celebration of the Milwaukee Musical Society on May 3d.
     [...] in the Exposition Building–Noted Soloists from the Metropolitan Opera in New York to Participate–Chorus of 700 Voices–Orchestra of 100 Artists.
     There has not been an event in Milwaukee musical circles in years which is of greater importance and magnitude [... Vereinsgeschichte, Abbildungen von Andreas Dippel, Mme. Gadski, David Bispham und Ernestine Schumann-Heinck, Kartenpreise ...].
     The programme for the event is befitting the principals taking part, and includes orchestral numbers by Beethoven, Wagner and other lights of the musical world. The soloists will be heard in scenes from Wagner's operas. Bruckner's Te Deum, Haydn's Creation, Haendel's Messiah will furnish numbers for the mass chorus. The concert will close with a production of the Grand Festival March for orchestra and Chorus by Milwaukee's orchestra and chorus by Milwaukee's well-known composer, Hugo Kaun, which has created a sensation throughout the United States wherever produced by the Thomas Orchestra.
     [... Vorverkauf ...]." (***).


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 190004255, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-190004255
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11