zurück 4.3.1901, Montag ID: 190103045

In einer Kritik der Deutschen Zeitung, signiert "h-m" [Theodor Helm], heißt es über ein vom Duesberg-Quartett am 28.2.1901 aufgeführtes Streichquartett von Max Jentsch:

"Ergreifend wirkte wieder das schwermütig edle Adagio ("Waldeinsamkeit und Vision") mit seinen interessanten Bruckner-Anklängen [...]" (*).
The Chicago Tribune Nr. 63 bringt auf S. 6 in der 5. Spalte einen Kommentar zum Konzert am 2.3.1901 mit der 3. Symphonie:
"              A LINE-O'-TYPE OR TWO.
     There is so much controversy over the merits of the Bruckner Symphony, which Herr Thomas and his men played Saturday evening, that I am pleased to be able to settle the matter in a few words. The work contains many fine passages, but I must score its content in the scattering column. As a symphony it is not great, and the future will confirm my judgement. Let us hear no more about the matter now, if you please. Herr Godowsky has improved since he went to Berlin. [... Liszt, Schubert-Variationen (in der Quartettfassung besser) ...]. I missed the heart flutterings on the viola. Mr. Thomas should really give the violas a talking to. Otherwise the concert has my approval.
                                    CRITICUS FLUB-DUBBE." (**).


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 190103045, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-190103045
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11