zurück 30.8.1903, Sonntag ID: 190308305

The Washington Times Nr. 3367 bringt auf S. 12 Auszüge aus dem Wienbericht (vgl. 23.8.1903), in dem auch das Bruckner-Denkmal erwähnt wird:
The Vienna of Today Still the Pride of the Danube – A City of a Great Musical Past and a Complacent, Happy Musical Present.
     If the visitor is musical and not merely a lover of the drama, Vienna is charged with more musical memories than Berlin, Paris and Leipzig combined.
     Out in the Central Friedhof lie [... (Komponisten, Billroth) ...]
     In the city Beethoven is honored with a striking statue; Haydn and Mozart also. There is, too, a perfect cluster of "Denkmals" in the picturesque "Staatpark" [sic]. There Schubert, Bruckner–one of whose dramatic symphonies Seidl introduced to New York–Hans Makart and Amerling–the latter a worthy painter of not extraordinary powers–are celebrated in bronze and marble. Bruckner being the newest come to mortality, and possibly immortality, boasts of the most artistic monument, which is surmounted by his grotesque, shaven head, with its kindly features. [... Beethoven, Chopin ...]
Nikisch and America.
[... Treffen mit Nikisch (besser als alle anderen Dirigenten) ... Idee eines Engagements in den USA ... der Charakter des Wieners und der Stadt ...]  – James Huneker, in the New York Sun." (*).
The Cincinnati Enquirer Nr. 242 (Cincinnati, Ohio) kündigt auf S. 31 das Heidelberger Musikfest (24.-26.10.1903) mit der 9. Symphonie an:
"      In Music's Domain.
     From October 24 to October 26 there will be a musical festival at Heidelberg, Germany, to celebrate the opening of the new town music hall. Among other interesting works the programme will include Bruckner's Ninth Symphony, [... Beethoven, Haydn, Liszt, Max Schillings (Hexenlied), Richard Strauss ...]. The festival will be directed by Richard Strauss, Max Schilling [sic] and Prof. Dr. Wolfrum. The soloists of distinction are Mme. Strauss de Ahna, Prof. Petri, Ernst von Possert [sic] and the Petri Quartet." (**).
Gleichlautend die Ankündigung in The Buffalo Courier Nr. 242 (Buffalo, New York) auf S. 36: "MUSIC [...] [...]
     From October 24th to October 26th there will be a musical festival at Heidelberg, Germany, to celebrate the opening of the new town music hall. Among other interesting works, the programme will include Bruckner's Ninth Symphony, [... Beethoven, Haydn, Liszt, Max Schillings (Hexenlied), Richard Strauss ...]. The festival will be directed by Richard Strauss, Max Schillings and Prof. Dr. Wolfrum. The soloists of distinction are Mme. Strauss de Ahna, Prof. Petri, Ernst von Possert [sic] and the Petri Quartet." (***).


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 190308305, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-190308305
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11