Aufführung des "Te deum" unter Wilhelm Middelschulte in Chicago [vermutlich in einer Fassung mit Orgel, aber ohne Orchester].
Hierüber informiert The Inter Ocean Nr. 73 (Chicago, Illinois) auf S. 33:
" A concert of unusual interest and artistic merit will be given this evening in St. James' church, Wabash avenue, near Twenty-Ninth street, under the direction of Wilhelm Middelschulte. The program follows:
" A concert of unusual interest and artistic merit will be given this evening in St. James' church, Wabash avenue, near Twenty-Ninth street, under the direction of Wilhelm Middelschulte. The program follows:
[... Lux, J. S. Bach (Actus tragicus), Beethoven, Schubert, Lamarter, Alkan, David (Posaunensolo) ...]
"Te Deum" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bruckner
Soli, quartet, chorus, and organ.
The solists will be: Soprano, Mrs. Anne Coover; alto, Miss Josephine Yorke; tenor, Mr. Arthur Burton; bass, Mr. John W. Lince. Assisting artists: Mr. Leopold de Mare, Mr. Wieder, French horn; Mr. Otto Gobhardt, Mr. Victor Gobhardt, Mr. William Zeller, trombone, and Wilhelm Middelschulte, organist and director."
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 190406055, URL: Änderung: Feb 18, 2024, 23:23