Der Welser Anzeiger Nr. 46 gibt auf S. 3 das Programm des Konzerts am 1.4.1906 bekannt: 114. Psalm, 7. Symphonie und Te deum (*).
The American Israelite Nr. 36 (Cincinnati, Ohio) kündigt auf S. 6 die Aufführung der 4. Symphonie am 9./10.3.1906 an:
Symphony Concerts.–The eighth of the series will be given on Friday afternoon, March 9, and Saturday evening, March 10, with Mr. Hans Richard as solist. The program to be rendered is as follows: Overture to "Hansel and Gretel," Humperdinck; Symphony No. 4, E flat (Romantic) Bruckner; Piano Concerto, in C sharp minor, Schytte; "The Swan of Tuonela," Sibelius, "Les Preludes," Liszt. The famous Welsh tenor, Mr. Ben Davies, [... 10. Konzert ...]." (**).
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 190603085, URL: Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11