zurück 1.10.1907, Dienstag ID: 190710015

Aufführung der 5. Symphonie unter Alfred Westarp durch das (verdeckte) Kaim-Orchester (*a) in der Tonhalle in München (*).

Westarps Fassung gilt als verschollen (**).
Der Los Angeles Herald Nr. 365 bringt auf S. 12 die Anekdote vom Treffen Bruckners mit Brahms [im "Roten Igel"]:
"               The Musical World
     By Genevra Johnstone-Bishop
     Here is a little story of Brahms and Bruckner which may be new to many readers. In their work the two composers were not exactly in sympathy, as Brahms regarded Bruckner as a dull dog, and the latter may well have been envious of Brahms' greatness. Yet the two often met at the same restaurant, and on one occasion it is related that Bruckner entered to find Brahms seated with his favorite dish of pokelfleisch, sauerkraut and dumpling in front of him. This happening to be Bruckner's favorite dish as well, he therefore ordered it, and turning to Brahms said, "Ah, Herr Brahms, here, at any rate, we understand each other." –Pall Mall Gazette." (***).


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 190710015, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-190710015
letzte Änderung: Apr 21, 2023, 12:12