Ein Inserat in The Philadelphia Inquirer Nr. 132 auf S. 14 macht auf das heutige Konzert mit der 5. Symphonie aufmerksam:
Philadelphia Orchestra |
Symphony; Bruckner No. 5
DeGogorza, Bariton
Seats at Heppe's. 1115Chestnut" (*).Ein Hinweis erfolgt auch am Ende der Besprechung des gestrigen Konzerts auf Seite 8:
It Is Heard at the Academy in Its Fourth Program for the Season
The Philadelphia Orchestra was heard in its fourth program for the season at the Academy of Music yesterday afternoon in the presence of the crowded audience which the advance sale has assured for the rest of the term. Upon this occasion the leading feature of the musical scheme was Anton Bruckner's fifth symphony in B flat minor [sic] which, according to the house, had not before been given in America. As to that the present is not prepared to say, but he feels tempted to express the opinion that if such be the fact it has been no great loss.
Yet possibly this appreciation may be as faulty as is apt to be the case with hasty judgments. Certainly a composition of such magnitude and so complicated in its development as this symphony cannot be fairly, or adequately or even intelligently judged on a single hearing. It needs to be carefully studied and to be heard repeatedly, and likely enough under those conditions many beauties and merits, much that is original and significant would be recognized and enjoyed which are not immediately apparent. But the work is very long–it played for exactly one hour–very elaborate, very labored. It makes a great many starts and stops whose significance is not obvious; it comprises a mass of not particularly interesting material which the composer seems to have been in some doubt as to how best to utilize; it includes no really moving or memorable theme, and the chief impression one carries away is a sense of disproportion between the effort made, the means employed, the time consumed and the effect produced. Yet it contains some striking passages, and probably most of those who heard it yesterday afternoon would be glad of an opportunity to hear it again some time, not next week or next month, but some time. It was brilliantly, lucidly and powerfully interpreted, as were also Saint-Saens' "Phaeton" and the "Egmont" overture of Beethoven, the other orchestral numbers on the program. The Solist was [... über Emilio de Gogorza ...]. The same program will be repeated tonight." [keine Signatur] (**).
Aufführung der 5. Symphonie durch das Philadelphia Orchestra unter Karl Pohlig in Philadelphia [Wiederholung vom 8.11.1907] (***).
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 190711095, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-190711095letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11