zurück 10.11.1907, Sonntag ID: 190711105

The Buffalo Sunday Morning News Nr. 50 schreiben auf S. 8 über das Konzert vom 7.11.1907 mit der 9. Symphonie:
                   BY MARIE F. McCONNELL.
     NEW YORK, Nov. 9.–Musically this has been a strenuous week. [... Paderewski ...]
     Three orchestras have begun their New York season within the week, [... Walter Damrosch ...].
     At the Boston Symphony concert last night the program was devoted to Bruckner's Ninth Symphony. Bach's B minor suite for string and flute and Beethoven's first Lenore [sic] overture.
     The Boston Symphony orchestra is a great organization and Dr. Muck is a model of dignity, self-control and musical authority as a conductor, but neither his ability nor the superb ability of the orchestra could make Bruckner's symphony interesting. Fortunately for tomorrow's audience the program that Dr. Muck has announced is different and presents numbers of greater attraction.
    The Philadelphia orchestra and its conductor Carl Pohlig did not cover itself with glory at its concert the afternoon of Election Day. Conductor Pohlig belongs to the gymnastic school of conductors, and he is even an extreme type of this. [... Programm ohne Bruckner ... weitere Meldungen ...]." (*).

The Standard Union Nr. 132 (Brooklyn, New York) erwähnt auf S. 23 das Werk nur kurz:
     The Boston Symphony Orchestra is this week making the first of its five trips to New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Brooklyn. At none of its concerts is there a soloist. The four symphonies chosen by Dr. Muck for the programmes are Mozart's in G minor, Beethovens' "Pastoral," Bruckner's in D minor (the Unfinished), and D'Indy's "Wallenstein Trilogy," [... gestern in NY Mozart und Beethoven ...]." (**).

Nahezu gleichlautend die Meldung in The Washington Herald Nr. 399 auf S. 18:
    The Boston Symphony Orchestra started last week making the first of its five trips to New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, and Brooklyn. At none of its concerts is there a soloist. The four symphonies chosen by Dr. Muck for the programmes are Mozart's, in G minor, Beethovens' "Pastoral," Bruckner's in D minor (the Unfinished), and d'Indy's "Wallenstein Trilogy," which met with so great success in Boston when it was played there for the first time a few weeks ago." (***).

Der Konzertbericht in The Sun Nr. 71 auf S. 9 über das gestrige Konzert kommt nicht ohne Seitenhieb auf das Konzert vom 7.11.1907 mit der 9. Symphonie aus:
A Programme of Two Classic Symphonies and No Solist Pleases Well.
     Having come safely through the Bruckner desert, the Boston Symphony Orchestra at its first matinée in Carnegie Hall yesterday afternoon paused for refreshment at an oasis of real music. [... Mozart und Beethoven ...]." (°).


Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 190711105, URL: www.bruckner-online.at/ABCD-190711105
letzte Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11