Besprechung des gestrigen Konzerts in The Chicago Tribune Nr. 73 auf S. 6:
"Musical Art Society.
The second and final concert of the second season of the Musical Art society took place last evening in Orchestra hall under the leadership of Clarence Dickinson and in the presence of an audience which comfortably filled the major portions of the concert room. [...]
The first half of the program was devoted to the strictly intellectual in music. Bach's motet was given a presentment tonally sure, solid, and pure–one in which the rhythmic pulse was sharply maintained, and the bigness and firmness of the composition admirably suggested. Bruckner's Graduale "Christus factus est" [WAB 11] followed, and its telling climax was safely and forcefully compassed. Then came [... weitere Werke ...]."
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 190803255, URL: Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11