Aufführung der 4. Symphonie durch das Wiener Konzertvereinsorchester unter Martin Spörr in einem Historischen Konzert im Großen Musikvereinssaal in Wien.
Als Violasolist [? bei welchem Werk?] wirkt Karl Doktor mit (*).
Besprechung des Konzerts vom 24.3.1908 (mit dem "Christus factus est" [WAB 11]) in The Inter Ocean Nr. 5 auf S. 37 (= S. 9 des Magazin-Teils):
" Tuesday evening in Orchestra hall the Musical Art society gave its second and last concert for the present season. A large audience assembled and listened with interest to one of the most serious programs that the society has presented. The first half was devoted to works of the contrapuntal school and after the intermission the modern writers were represented by Loeffler, Koessler, and Brahms.
The Bach motet for double chorus, "Be Not Afraid," opened the evening with a performance that was distinguished for its precision, its tasteful shading, and the clarity with which the contrapuntal structure was presented. The great Bruckner "Graduale," which followed, must be regarded as one of the society's most eminent achievements. It is an enormously difficult work and one especially effectrive because of the antiphonal contrasts.
Mr. Dickinson, the director of the society, was responsible for the very beautiful arrangement of the traditional "Ode on the Name of Jesus," [... weitere Werke ...]." (**).
[Es folgt ein Konzerthinweis auf ein Konzert des Thomas Orchestra (Chicago Symphony Orchestra) mit der "Symphonia Domestica" von Richard Strauss und einem Orgelkonzert von Händel (Solist: Wilhelm Middelschulte) ... oben eine Abbildung von Middelschulte.]
Franz Scheder, Anton Bruckner Chronologie Datenbank, Eintrag Nr.: 190803295, URL: Änderung: Feb 02, 2023, 11:11